Always a miracle

A child is a gift, most certainly a miracle, no matter what the story is that brought that child into the world. A child is a new breath, a new chance, a new opportunity and nobody should believe otherwise. Whether the child is born to a newly married 19 year old girl or to a 30 year old woman who has been trying to have kids for years just shouldn't matter. You should see a woman who is pregnant and smile because she is bringing a blessing to this world, a new hope.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

13 days to go until D-day

Hi! I'm Lindsey. I'm pregnant with a little girl and my husband is in the Army. He is away at the moment. Let me just say this has not been very easy. I miss my husband and I often don't feel well (it kind of comes with the pregnancy). I am young. 19 years old to be exact and I hate going out because of how people look at me. Their noses turned upward and their curled upper-lips, I honestly can't stand it. It's highly offensive. It's like they are telling me "What makes you think you can have a child?" Truthfully, I think I can have a child because I was blessed enough to get one. Everyone is a massive pain. The sad part of it all is that these haughty people aren't the worst of it. For instance, I heard the ice cream truck driving by and I really wanted a bomb pop (I mean those things are delicious). I had $2.50 so I had my sister-in-law who is 9 with me. I get my bomb pop and give my s-i-l the remaining $1.50. As I'm walking away the creepy ice cream man asks me if I'm pregnant (and of course this is a stupid question because it looks like I am smuggling a watermelon under my shirt)  and I reply, "Yes." He then gives me this creepy smile and says, "I like pregnant women." Yeah so just to tell you I got out of there as quickly as possible. I think it's those people who really make me want to stay indoors. I don't really talk to anybody. I just lay around and eat and clean most days and party it up facebook style. My belly is big and my balance sucks so I don't go out very much. And I'm oddly okay with that.